Σάββατο 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Αποχαιρετούμε τη Βόρεια Σαξονία - auf Wiedersehen Niedersachsen

As sad as it was for all of us, on Saturday morning we had to leave Hildesheim behind and begin our journey back to Athens. This time we chose to use a direct line from Hildesheim to Frankfurt Am Main Flughafen (airport). Arriving at noon at the airport we had the chance to have lunch all together for one last time in this mobility and have some fun. The flight to Athens lasted 3 hours and was very smooth. At about 10 o'clock pm we were back in Athens and our families weere very happy to see us again after a long week. We have so many stories to tell them...

That's all folks!
Thank you for following us via this blog and C.I.R.C.E facebook page!

Marialena Rodakni
Maria Sidera

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