Πέμπτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Επιχειρηματικές ιδέες για να προβάλουμε το Χιλντεσχάιμ - Business ideas in Hildesheim

Thursday was another day full of activities for the C.I.R.C.E. program in Hildesheim, Germany. The main topics of the day was to brainstorm business ideas for Hildesheim and having a meeting with a university professor of economics. Firstly , we were divided in teams and we started thinking of business ideas. After some time we would present the idea , with the most favourite one being a festival . Then we held the meeting with the university professor . He saw our ideas and he taught us the basics of building products or business applications which we used to improve our ideas. Later , after the program , one of the girls invited us to a little party that she was having,  before going to the cathedral to hear the choir sing.

Loris Logkone

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