Τετάρτη 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Ανακαλύπτουμε τα μυστικά των Σαξόνων - Revealing the secret past of the Saxons

Today, it was the second day of the C.I.R.C.E. activities in Hildesheim, Germany. In the morning we went to Josephinum, the Gymnasium where the program takes place. We joined again the international teams and we completed three workshops. In the first one we did a research on the Saxons and the churches in Hildesheim, in the next one we talked to eachother about our Christmas traditions and the Christmas bazars and in the last one we saw a film about Charlemagne and his relation to the Saxons. After that we visited the town of Braunsweig, where we visited a musuem. There, an archaeoligist, presented us some artifacts that have been discovered in settlements and graves of the Saxons in Lower Saxony and we discussed about their everyday lives and habits. Then we were free to see the city, take pictures, visit the local Christmas bazar and shops. Everything was really beautiful and we were educated about the Saxons in a very nice way.

Konstantina Antzaka
Christina Christodoulou

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