Τρίτη 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Η μεγάλη συντροφιά του CIRCE βαδίζει στα...ίχνη των Σαξόνων - Walking in the footsteps of the Saxons

Today, it was the first day of activities in our C.I.R.C.E journey in Hildesheim of Germany. We visited "Josephinum" the Gymnasium that runs the mobility. At first, all of the students and teachers gathered in a classroom and introdused each other throughout the presentation of each school. We started getting closer as we learnt and listened the information of the schools that are a part of this amazing experience called Erasmus+. Then a guided tour throughout the school followed. One of the highlights of the day was the moment that the official CIRCE logo was revealed: we were very proud because it was the creation of a Greek student! 

Το επίσημο λογότυπο του Προγράμματος C.I.R.C.E. είναι ελληνική δημιουργία

A CIRCE "family" photo was our next...assignment and for the rest of the morning the German team had organized a game in order to get to know the town and its rich history. We were separated in five teams and had some kind of treasure hunt to complete with the help of an app (Actionbound).  After taking many photos, videos, laughing with the challenges that we encountered, we worked together as one, gained confidence and had a great trip in the culture of Hildesheim!

Marialena Rodakni-Maria Sidera.

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